What do I mean by the above statement?Let's take a brief view at the approach of anti-Semites and how they have presented their views to the world-at-large or their own particular geographic spheres of influence.
During Roman times, the leaders within Israel supposedly "worked" with the leaders of the Jewish people to slowly introduce anti-Jewish laws and edicts to the general populace. This type of approach has been used time and time again by the Church and various governments over the ages. Show "support at first" but then introduce the laws and edicts against or orchestrate the masses against the Jews.
Now we have a person with tremendous power who needed the strong Jewish lobby for major assistance during his campaign. He has a Jewish son-in-law and has a strong base among Republican Jewish donors. But, he has to cater to his "base" of white supremacists at the same time while wooing the Jewish lobby. The campaign leaders worked on this and realized that much of the Jewish lobby needed something to move them away from Hillary. The answer was "easy" - campaign on promising to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Couple this with the Jewish lobby feeling that Hillary would be continuing the hated Obama anti-Israeli position and you have the makings for support for "the lessor of the two evils".
Fast forward to now and the continuing need to stoke the base and keep Steve Bannon working for his movement from outside the strains of Washington. What is going to keep the base of white supremacists, KKK members and neo-Nazi's in line? How about keeping the promise to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem and immediately placing the Israeli people and government in danger while "appearing" to placate the Jews and keeping his promise. Taking a move from the age old anti-Semite playbook as described above and you have now met your obligations and advanced your agenda.
Those that have survived the Holocaust and have experienced the perils of government sponsored anti-Jewish campaigns know exactly what is happening now with this strategic move by Trump and his sick backers.
Israel will be fighting on many fronts with this pronouncement; PLO and Hamas plus all the Arab mid-East countries will take up the cause. All the other countries of the world who have been continuing to show their hatred toward Israel (I am referring to the ongoing UN resolutions and proclamations) will also take up the cause.
As I said at the start - a brilliant move by a very sick individual who, to our combined detriment, is the leader of our country. To the unknowing masses this is a positive move for Israel. Watch and learn and remember what happened in 1933 in Germany and then Europe. Remember the move to the Ghetto's?
I rest my case.
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