We are being overloaded with so much BS by so many people that I am thinking of creating a Scorecard for BS.
When did the American public cede their rights to a few? When did the American government start to take on the characteristics of a Totalitarian government? When did the vocal minority of hate-mongers and bigots start to take on leadership of America? When did we cede our international leadership and start to be take on the mantle of Isolationism? When did our national lands and sacred sites is so many states become fodder for the oil and gas industries and special interests? When did our country start protecting child molesters and womanizers in government but ostracizing them in all other industries? When did the divide become so bad between our two political parties that our method of government has started looking more like Venezuela than Washington? When did we have to endure bald face lies on a daily basis from our "leaders" and their spokespeople? When did our government make the decision that 33% of the people are the majority and their views and actions are what counts?
I could go on and on but I think I made my point.
I pride myself on being an open-minded person who will try to listen to both sides of an argument before making any type of informed decision. I am also a person who has extensive international experience and still maintains active participation with many friends and business associates in different countries. The daily barrage of emails asking, and I quote, "what the hell is happening and where is the America we knew"? I don't have any answers to these questions. In this age of internet and immediate news, when comments and tweets are immediately flashed to the world, how does one maintain a neutral position?
I watched a spokesperson for our president lie and lie and lie during a TV interview and nothing the interviewer said in response (stating from facts I might add) did anything to deter this person. And then I watched the leader of the US Senate backpedal so fast on the upcoming vote for a child molester who is running for the US Senate and has the 100% backing of the president, that it made me dizzy. There was no remorse or no mention of his previous comments that this person should not be running and that this person will not be seated in the Senate if he wins. The overall need for a Republican to be voted into the Senate so they can continue their fragile majority to overturn and steamroll questionable laws is now more important than seating a predator of children and hater of gays and non-whites. When is this going to stop?
We have a president who is a narcissistic liar and womanizer who has been accused by many women of abuse. Why does he get away with it? Why does the public outcry that has toppled so many others not touch him? When did we spray Teflon on the president so nothing sticks? When did we start to accept the daily lies and excuses from a press spokesperson who looks like an unmade bed? When are we going to rebel against the constant misdirection and lies being fed to us on a daily basis?
On Friday night the fragile majority in the Senate passed a tax bill that will add over 1.5 Trillion Dollars to our deficit. The bill was one type-written page and a margin full of handwritten items. Not once did the majority hold sessions to discuss the bill. Not once did the majority enter any type of debate on the bill. This is a tax revision/rewrite that will have far-reaching effects to our country for years to come. Make no mistake about it - the top earners of this country (including the president, his family and businesses, his cabinet and many supporters and lobbyists and major corporations) are ecstatic with this bill. The ones who the bill is supposed to benefit will actually be worse off. The bill has been put together to target the large blue states. How convenient!!!
I love this country and always will but am so worried that we are in the hands of people who are more like Hitler and Stalin than Reagan and Roosevelt. Don't let history repeat itself to the worse and not the better.
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